• Color lasts longer in the hair when the hair is HEALTHY. Getting to your goal color should be taken with time, and care. Treat repair masks and creams like your new best friend! If your hair is healthy and happy, your color should fade beautifully.

  • Rinse your hair with cooler water. Cold water will help to prevent your color from bleeding, which is helpful if you have many colors in your hair and you want to prevent mixing them all together.

  • Do not swim in chlorine when you have vibrant color in your hair. It will fade color SO much faster, and dry out your hair.

  • Avoid shampoos with sulfates when possible. The products I carry in my salon are all safe to be used on colored hair.

  • DO NOT shampoo everyday! This tip is HUGE. This does not mean that you cannot shower everyday, it simply means that you shouldn't get it wet everyday and avoid washing too frequently if you can. It can actually be healthier for your scalp if you only wash once a week (for many, but not all).

  • Use a colored shampoo or conditioner that matches the tone of your hair! Celebluxury makes some great products- click the “shop” tab and see which color you might want delivered to your door.

  • Avoid too much heat styling. Like hot water, hot tools can cause your color to fade, your hair to damage, and banding in your color if not used carefully.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure. The sun can play a major role in faded color. If you lay out for hours, or you enjoy hiking, wear a hat or a cute scarf to hide your hair. UVA/UVB protection sprays help, too, but should not be relied on.